We will be closing for the end-of-year break at 12 noon on Thursday 24th December 2020 and re-opening at 8am on 11th January 2021. During this period, the Ascot A&M and Lunn Ave A&M are our nearest facilities for urgent care.

MEDICAL ADVICE OVER THE BREAK: The doctors will be on a daily roster and will be monitoring the reception@ellersliemedical.co.nz email address, twice a day, morning and evening. This can be accessed through our contact form . The duty doctor will call you and discuss management of your condition, or email you, as appropriate. There will be a charge for this service, which will vary from a prescription charge for a simple prescription request that does not need a phone call, to a full consultation charge if the doctor has to call you. This should not be used for very urgent and life threatening matters. Please call 111 in such a situation.

REPEAT SCRIPTS IF YOU ARE ENROLLED ON OUR PORTAL: The portal will be operational during the break for regular script repeats, if appropriate and safe. There is a usual prescription charge for this service which continues as per our usual process over the break.

REPEAT SCRIPTS IF YOU ARE NOT ENROLLED ON OUR PORTAL: Please use the contact form for requests. Charges are as above.