Childhood and Schedule Vaccinations
We are passionate about protecting babies and children from preventable diseases with vaccinations. Immunisations are offered Mon-Fri, 9am to 4pm (9am to 3.30pm for the 6 week immunisation)
Please allow two hours for the 6 week immunisation and health check with a doctor. All children must wait 20 minutes after the vaccine has been given. Please remember to always bring your child’s Well Child Book, and baby’s birth certificate for the 6 week check. The Ministry of Health requires us to formally register baby and to check baby’s eligibility for free care.
The chickenpox chicken pox vaccine is now part of the schedule, see here
Other funded and non funded vaccines.
- Flu: For free flu vaccine eligibility please read here
- Pregnancy: If you are pregnant we recommend you have your free whooping cough vaccine between 16 and 38 weeks of pregnancy. We also recommend you have your free flu vaccine.
- Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Boostrix): funded at age 45yrs if not had 4 injections previously and at age 65 yrs if the last one was given more than 10years ago,
- Travel Vaccinations: We offer hepatitis A/B and typhoid. For other travel vaccines please attend a specialised travel clinic. Please note we are not a yellow fever authorised clinic.
- Work vaccines: Particular jobs may require you to be immunised against certain illnesses.
- HPV vaccine (Gardasil): We are really excited that gardasil is now free for men and women up to the age of 27. You can read more here
- Shingles: Two doses of Shingrix is funded for adults aged 65 years (only during your 65th year) .
- Other: There are a variety of other vaccines you may be eligible for. Please see here for a complete list.
- Pricing: See here for a guide to pricing per dose for unfunded vaccines. The manufacturers may increase prices at short notice, please call nurse to confirm latest pricing.

Call 0800 IMMUNE for free advice or visit