Nurses' Roster

Doctors’ Roster
Nurses’ Roster

Nurses' Roster These are general times and aren't updated for leave. Lunch times may vary.
Felicity is certified to do cervical smears and can do these from Tuesdays to Fridays after 9am.
You can book an appointment to see the nurse online via our patient portal, or by ringing us on 09-5796147.
See here for the doctors' roster, which is updated as much as possible.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Nurse 8 - 12, 1 – 5 X 8 - 12, 1 – 5 8 - 12 8 - 12, 1 – 5
Kerry 8 - 1:30, 2 - 6 8-1:15, 1.45-5:30 X 1 - 5.30 X
Felicity X 8 - 1:30, 2:30-5:30 8 - 1:30, 2:30-5:30 8 - 1:30, 2:30-5:30 8 - 1:30, 2:30-5:30